Tuesday, March 24, 2020

China has brought Corona, scientists warned 12 years ago. The real reason came in front

The Wall Bureau: The war has begun. It was 12 years ago. The coroner named Corona has been introduced to China by treating the virus. Surse-Cove-2 has been swirling in the scientist's palace as to whether it is a chemical source or not. Israel, America called the virus a chemical exterminator made in China's Biosophy Level 4 laboratory, and many scientists claim that the coronavirus has its own 'Reservoir' source. The question now is, when the epidemic has been in China since then, it has found both its natural source and carrier. And over the years, the Chinese people have nurtured the virus among themselves.

If not chemical fertilizers, then where did this virus come from?
Scientists say in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology, China has seen the prevalence of SARS virus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). Thousands of people died from the virus in 2002/03. SARS is actually a beta-coronavirus family (SARS-CoV). The source of the surse was called Badu. Scientists say that this is not a lethal beta in the coronavirus family. The only two of them were SARS and MARS (Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome) epidemic. Reservoir of these beta-coronas means mammals such as badgers, pangolin, camels, etc. Scientists say the gene for the SARS-Cove-2 viral strain has been found between Badur and Pangolin. Therefore, it can be assumed that the real cause of the infection is hidden somewhere in the Chinese diet.

Genes change the virus, the signal came in 2007

Dr. Professor of Law at the University of Illinois College and one of the heads of the Chemical Weapons Disarmament Organization. Francis Boyle says Novel coronavirus is not simply a virus infection. At the Biosafety Level Four Laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the process of making chemical pesticides is secretly under way. The virus has spread from there. C-food market is an attempt to dust the eye. Israeli intelligence and microbiologists made the same claim. US Senator Tom Cotton claimed that the virus was created by China for germ warfare. However, recently in the journal Nature, scientists have claimed that the virus may have found its natural source and carrier, not chemical fertilizers. The virus has found its carcinogenic cells in the human body due to the Chinese bad dietary habits and eating disorders. It's not a half-day. Over the years, the human body has changed the structure of genes in their own way. They are now deadly by replacing amino acids. It has also mastered the technique of spreading from one body to another. The viral strain has also been found to prevent the virus-resistant antibodies being produced in the body. By evolving on their own, they have reached a stage that is no longer possible. Scientists say, however, that if people are still aware and change their way of life, it may be possible to prevent the infection.

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